From 250 pieces

Just the best for you and your clientele


What you get from us


A cosmetic product consists of several components. From the formulation to the outer packaging, there are many building blocks to consider. We will advise and support you every step of the way.

your idea

You have an idea, but you don’t know yet how to implement it or if your idea has a chance on the market? With our team we help you to optimize your idea.

If you wish, we can take over the entire project.

You don’t have time to take care of your project? No problem, we take over all processes from your idea to the market-ready product.

We are also there for you after production

After production, the work really begins. How do you market your products? What happens next? Hierbei lassen

With your
own brand

There are no limits to your creativity

This is how it works


Contact us today and share your wonderful idea with us.


We will show you how we can best implement your project.


You confirm the order and we get started.

Don't wait any longer, realize your project with us today.

Kontaktiere uns jetzt

Lass uns bitte auch direkt paar Informationen zu deinem Vorhaben zukommen, damit wir dich bestmöglich beraten können. Wir melden uns innerhalb 24h Stunden bei dir telefonisch, oder via E-Mail

Contact us now

Please provide us some information about your project so that we can give you the best possible advice. We will contact you within 24 hours by phone or email